General Support Options at Feeling Greatl Sleep Centers, North Carolina, NC
Welcome to the general support area of our website. We've devoted this section of our website to providing useful information, screening tools, and answers to frequently asked questions about our sleep centers, testing services, virtual tours of our facilities, and more.
We hope you'll find this information valuable and use it to guide your decisions about your own sleep health.
Below you'll find links to four of our most popular sleep disorder screening tools, with a brief explanation of each. Since the vast majority of our patients are being tested and / or treated for sleep apnea - a very serious and potentially life-threatening medical condition - you'll find that three of our four screening tools were created to guide those of you who suspect that you or someone you love, may be suffering from sleep apnea.
If, after you complete one or more of these questionnaires, your suspicions are confirmed we highly recommend that you seek immediate medical help. You can call us directly to schedule a private consultation with one of our center's board-certified sleep physicians, at 866-499-1588. We'll also be happy to walk you through the process for obtaining a sleep study or consultation referral from your private physician.

Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Sleep Disorder Screening Tools
Below is the link to the Feeling Great Screening Tool which will help you understand how to identify if you need further evaluation for a sleep disorder.