Have You Been Told That You Snore Loudly?
Are You the Target of Bad Snoring Jokes And Middle-of-the-Night Elbow Jabs?
Is Your Relationship Suffering Because of Your Loud Snoring?
Have Others Told You That You Having a Snoring Problem?

Don't Let an Untreated Snoring Disorder Damage Your Health, Relationships, or Lifestyle
If You Can Answer Yes to Any of These Questions, You Already Know That Snoring is No Laughing Matter
More importantly, however, loud snoring is often a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - a very serious sleeping disorder.
And, if left untreated you are significantly increasing your risk for more serious physical, mental, and emotional medical consequences, such as:
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease, including heart attacks
- Depression
- Weight gain
- Strokes
- Fatigue-related motor vehicle or workplace accidents
- Decreased quality of life
- Weakened immune system
But there's no need to continue to allow snoring to rule your life and we'd like to help you. Even better, testing and treatment for sleep apnea is uncomplicated, painless, and extremely effective and begins with a confidential consultation and evaluation by your family doctor or sleep specialist.
However, if you're like many people you may not be certain that your snoring may indicate that you need medical attention. If so, use the following "Sleep Apnea Symptoms Checklist" - which was designed by medical professionals and sleep experts - to help you determine if you, or someone you know, is at high risk for sleep apnea and in need of immediate testing.
Snoring Problem Symptoms Checklist
If you have only two of the symptoms included in the list above, you may already have sleep apnea and at a minimum, have a greater-than-average chance of having it in the future. Therefore, we recommend that you see your family doctor or one of our board-certified sleep physicians. He or she will evaluate your condition and if needed, offer you options for treating or preventing sleep apnea.
If you've checked off more than two of the symptoms above, you are a likely candidate for this very serious medical condition and should seek help right away. Here's what to do:
Call us toll-free today at 866-499-1588 (or at one of the local numbers listed at the bottom of this web page).
When you call, we will answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and ask you to provide us with more information. Then, if you'd like, we will "fast track" the process and contact your primary care physician or schedule a confidential consultation with one of our board-certified sleep physicians.
Why Seek Help Immediately?
Sleep apnea sufferers – the vast majority of whom snore loudly - have a very serious medical condition that literally causes them to stop breathing many times while sleeping and therefore, negatively affect all aspects of their lives. Additionally, their sleep apnea is linked to other – even more serious – health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and more – and their lack of sound sleep causes them to feel – and look – exhausted and puts them at more risk for avoidable personal injuries at work and on the road.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Snoring is a common medical disorder where people literally stop breathing repeatedly (frequently for 10 seconds or more) while sleeping, resulting in a serious lack of oxygen. As a result, their brains "jerk" them awake briefly and they start breathing again – usually with a loud gasp. Ironically, many snoring sufferers do not realize, or remember, that these events occur night after night – and often why family members first bring their condition to the attention of healthcare providers.
What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?
Our muscles – including those in the throat – relax during deep stages of sleep, which naturally narrows our breathing airways. However, the airways of sleep apnea sufferers narrow dramatically – sometimes closing so much that air can't pass through.
Several different things can cause these airway blockages, such as extra tissue in the back of throat; lack of muscle tone surrounding the airways; and tongue movement that closes off airways passages.
And although anyone can suffer from Snoring, it is most common among people who are:
- Male
- Overweight
- Middle-aged or older
- Diabetic